Exterior Cleaning Tips & Advice

From Chemwash Wellington

Our Commitment to Responsible Water Usage & Environmental Awareness
Our Commitment to Responsible Water Usage & Environmental Awareness

Learn about our commitment to water conservation and how we demonstrates sustainable solutions with exceptional results.

The Chemwash House Wash Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide
The Chemwash House Wash Experience: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you curious about what to expect when booking a house wash with Chemwash Wellington? This guide is for you!

3 Reasons DIY Water Blasting Can't Compete with Chemwash
3 Reasons DIY Water Blasting Can't Compete with Chemwash

Cutting corners with exterior cleaning may lead to unforeseen consequences. Learn why Chemwash is the best option for safe and efficient exterior cleaning that helps protect your investment.

Selling Your Home? Exterior Cleaning Can Help.
Selling Your Home? Exterior Cleaning Can Help.

Exterior cleaning is essential when selling your home and Chemwash Wellington is here to help. Read about the benefits of soft washing your home before hitting the market. 

Soft Washing: Your Eco-Friendly Solution for a Cleaner Home & Environment
Soft Washing: Your Eco-Friendly Solution for a Cleaner Home & Environment

Soft washing is the eco-friendly method for cleaning your outdoor exteriors. At Chemwash Wellington, your property and the environment is our priority.

Gentle Cleaning, Lasting Results: The Soft Washing Advantage
Gentle Cleaning, Lasting Results: The Soft Washing Advantage

Choose soft washing for your home's exterior: prevent damage, maintain cleanliness, and promote environmental friendliness.

Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy complies with New Zealand privacy law. Aiming to advise our commercial and residential customers about what information of theirs we use and their choices about that process.

Chemwash - An Update On Asbestos
Chemwash - An Update On Asbestos

Learn more about our training and process of identifying asbestos on the job. Our primary goal is to protect the well-being of our staff, your property, and you.

The Benefits of an Annual Maintenance Plan
The Benefits of an Annual Maintenance Plan

Why should you get an Annual Maintenance Plan? Find out here!

Why is a low-pressure wash better for your home exteriors?
Why is a low-pressure wash better for your home exteriors?

You know you need to wash your car, but when was the last time you washed your house?

You are always assured of our best service and a top-quality job. Our workmanship and your satisfaction are fully guaranteed.

What our clients are saying


Mt Victoria

"Just a quick message to say what a great job you did cleaning every nook and cranny of our place. It has been money worth spending when it comes to getting the house ready for selling. I will highly recommend your company to others. Many thanks to you and your hard working boys."